The visiting Committee for the Board of Overseers names 51 committees to observe and report on the various departments and activities of Harvard University, and lists the names of more than 500 members.
Among those included in the group are Charles Francis Adams '88, Secretary of the Navy; Ogden L. Mills '04, Secretary of the Treasury; Dwight F. Davis '00, former secretary of War; G. W. Wickersham, former Attorney General of the United States; Learned Hand '93, Justice of the U. S. Circuit Court; and William R. Castle '00, Under-Secretary of State; Owen D. Young, chairman of the board of the General Electric Company; Walter Lippmann '10, editor and author, Richard Whitney '11, president of the New York Stock Exchange, and Mark Sullivan '00, author.
A statement issued at University Hall is as follows: "The visiting system is intended to bring the University into sympathy and communication with the outside public through the greatest possible number of contacts. Members of a visiting committee are selected because of their interest in the success and usefulness of the department to be visited. Nothing tends more directly to hold a department to a high standard of progress and efficiency than the knowledge of its members that their work will receive sympathetic support if good, and intelligent criticism if poor. Largely through its Visiting Committees, the University keeps in touch with the outer world."
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