The Harvard Engineering School Branch of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers will hold an organization meeting tomorrow evening at 7.30 o'clock in 110 Pierce Hall. M. C. Maxwell, General Works Manager of the Yale and Towne Manufacturing Company, and chairman of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Committee on Relations with Colleges, will be the principal speaker.
The purpose of the meeting is to interest men in the Engineering School, especially those studying mechanical engineering, in the work of the Society. The Harvard student branch has already elected officers, as follows: L. L. Filstrup '33, chairman; J. T. Lees '33, vice-chairman, and Emil Schwarz '33, secretary. L. S. Marks, professor of Engineering, is the faculty adviser.
A similar organization for students of electrical engineering will meet Thursday, October 27, at 7.45 o'clock in Pierce 110, at which C. L. Dawes, professor of Engineering and advisor of the group, and several student members will conduct a demonstration experiment on "Radio Controlled Yachts." The officers of this branch of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers are F. W. Roberts '33, chairman, R. H. Packard '33, Secretary, R. A. Ward '33, senior representative, and D. N. Smith, junior representative.
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