9 O'Clock
"Materialism," Professor Lewis, Emerson D.
"Minoan Age," Professor Ferguson, Emerson A.
10 O'Clock
"The French in the New World," Professor Morison, Harvard 2.
"The Beginning of the Thirty Years War," Professor Fay, Harvard 1.
11 O'Clock
"Metaphysical Poetry," Professor Matthiessen, Emerson A.
"Temples and Palaces in Mesopotamia," Professor Chase, Fogg Large Room.
"The Peace Negotiations of 1782," Professor Baxter, Harvard 1.
12 O'Clock
"Early Elizabethan Prose Writers," Professor Lowes, Sever 11.
"Naturalism," Professor Hocking, Emerson D.
"Portuguese Exploration, 1474-1486," Mr. Usher, Widener U.
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Oppressed With Two Weak Evils