
Odious Omission of Occult Opinions Obsesses Oriental

"Confucius!", Cables Cashless Chinese, Cursing Careless Crimson

Nittany, Pa., October 13:--Confucius! why was admirable foreknowing not apparent in abhorred paper last week stop Repetition will be ruin stop Must receive reply to satisfaction, enclose cash stop Here have peered at honorable opposition, will fix destiny tomorrow stop Occult art have been employed by Digest Poll to predict income, but money few and distant stop In blue funk stop Rose, felt ill this morning, atmosphere too warm for long stay stop Tomorrow will wish for weather more coolish, proceed to Tigerville to eat curry with laymen stop Will arrive Cambridge midnight, son I Fling accompanies stop Must have $100, depend statement coming. (signed) H. Flung Huey.
