For some reason which escapes us, each time Spectator or any other college newspaper publishes an editorial which finds its way into the columns of the nations press, accusations of publicity seeking, sensationalism, and insincerity immediately bombard the editor or editors responsible. While Spectator's experience in this regard has been the worst example of such criticism in recent years, there have been numerous cases of similar trend, the most recent being that of the New York University Daily News in its attack on the football coach now reigning at that institution--an attack for which its editor is now being assailed with a ferocity only equalled by the recent attacks on the editor of Spectator.
We question whether college editors are publicity seekers. We doubt whether more than an insignificant number of undergraduate editors in the United States are interested in personal publicity of the type which has been the unfortunate by-product of Spectator's interest in the intercollegiate football situation. The efforts of Spectator and other college newspapers to keep the names of their editors and editorial writers from the professional press furnish ample evidence that the alleged interest in publicity is a fiction conceived by critics desiring to discredit honest efforts to bring about improvement in the university world. It is time that the general public faced the fact that college editors are sincere. Columbia Spectator
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