
Undergraduate Activities

Students who do not participate in extra curricular activities in college because they fear their marks will suffer no longer can use this excuse according to an investigation conducted here by Dr. O. Myking Mehus of the social science department of the Missouri State Teachers college. His survey shows that the students who take part in the most campus activities tend to receive the highest grades while those who participate in no activity get the poorer grades.

It is an established fact that success in college is usually followed by success in after life. If a student is a good scholar it is very likely that he will be able to use his intelligence along other lines as well.

Individuals who say that they "haven't time" for anything but their studies virtually admit that their mental capacity is not great enough to take in a range of occupation. Those people who are active in dramatics or publications almost invariably stand well in their classes since the faculties they employ in these activities serve them well in the class room. --Minnesota Daily.
