A. M. Tozzer '00, professor of Anthropology, and Curator of Middle American Archaeology and Ethnology, Peabody Museum, will give the second of a series of faculty addresses to the Class of 1935, it was announced last night by E. F. Bowditch '35, chairman of the Freshman committee on faculty speakers.
At the same time it was announced by Robert Saltonstall, Jr. '33, chairman of the Student Council committee on Freshman affairs that Frederick De Wolf Bolman, Jr. '35, of Leavenworth, Kansas, and Robinson Franklin Barker '35, of Dorchester, have been appointed to fill vacancies on the 1935 Union Committee resulting from probation. Barker, Freshman manager of the University Instrumental clubs, and Bolman, president of the 1935 Debating Council, restore the committee to its membership of ten men. It was also announced by Bowditch that there will be a "comedy night" of moving pictures in the Large Common Room of the Union on Tuesday evening, February 9.
Professor Tozzer will speak to the first-year class on "Explorations and Other Activities of the University Abroad." The talk will take place in the Upstairs Common Room of the Union at 7.45 o'clock, Thursday evening, February 11. Professor Tozzer and Delmar Leighton '19, dean of the Freshman Class, will be guests that night at dinner in the Union. The first faculty speaker was Professor K. B. Murdock '16, who spoke on "American Humor."
The announcement of "comedy night" at the Union was due to the success of the first moving picture presentation, held before the Christmas Recess, which was attended by over 300 Freshmen. The performance, which will begin at 6.45 o'clock, will include, among other comedies and some football pictures, Charles Chaplin in "The Champion", Larry Semon in "Romans and Rascals", and an all-star cast in "The Lyin' Tamer". The 1935 Union orchestra, under the leadership of J. H. Braddock '35, will provide music.
The 1935 entertainment committee also announced February 2 as the closing date for try-outs for the 1935 vaudeville which will be given after a buffet supper in the Union toward the end of February.
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