
Mid-year Examinations This Week

The mid-year examination schedule for the remaining three days of this week follows below. A schedule of today's and tomorrow's examinations will be printed each day during the examination period. THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 (IX) Celtic 3 hf  Emerson 211 Chinese 22  Emerson 211 Economics 25  Emerson 211 Fine Arts 2c  Fogg Museum Fine Arts 2d  Fogg Museum Fine Arts 11  Fogg Small Rm. French A  New Lect. Hall French 1  New Lect. Hall French 28 hf.  New Lect. Hall Geology 11  Rotch Bldg. Sociology 13 hf.  Emerson 211 2 P.M. (VI) French 3  Emerson 211 FRIDAY, JANUARY 22 (XV) Fine Arts 2a  Fogg Museum Fine Arts 2b  Fogg Museum French B  Memorial Hall Military Science 2  Memorial Hall Military Science 4  Memorial Hall Naval Science 2  Memorial Hall Naval Science 4  Memorial aHll SATURDAY, JANUARY 23 (VIII) Chemistry 10  New Lect. Hall Comp. Literature 9  Sever 11 Economics 37  Emerson 211 English 4  New Lect. Hall Fine Arts 14k  Fogg Small Rm. German A Mr. Barnason, Sec. 15, 21  Memorial Hall Mr. Bennett, Sec. 20, 22  Memorial Hall Mr. Buffington, Sec. 16, 19  Memorial Hall Mr. Hawkes, Sec. 5, 13  Memorial Hall Mr. Henry, Sec. 4  Memorial Hall Dr. Herrick, Sec. 1, 14  Memorial Hall Mr. Holske, Sec. 7  Memorial Hall Dr. Howe, Sec. 2  Memorial Hall Mr. Metcalf, Sec. 12, 18  New Lect. Hall Mr. Phelps, Sec. 3, 9  New Lect. Hall Mr. Shelley, Sec. 6, 17  New Lect. Hall Mr. Stamm, Sec. 8, 11  New Lect. Hall Dr. Zipf, Sec. 10  New Lect. Hall German 18  New Lect. Hall Government 24  Sever 11 Philosophy 12b  Emerson 211 Psychology 11  Emerson 211 Romance Philology 6  Emerson 211 Sociology 6  Emerson 211 Sociology 15  Emerson 211
