

Supply and Demand

Graduate students who "shop" around for scholarships and fellowships in various schools and colleges and seek the "highest bidder" seem to have become somewhat prevalent within the last few years. Such men can be compared to the "tramp athlete" who carries his wares to the highest collegiate market.

That conditions of this sort should exist where students, supposedly having a degree of intelligence somewhat above the average level, will have the gall to attempt to obtain a subsidy from an institution of higher learning for carrying on their work, is deplorable, indeed. In no instance do graduate students deserve to be subsidized save as a reward for merit in recognition of outstanding achievement.

The dean of the graduate school at Yale university urges that graduate schools throughout the country agree upon a scale of stipends to advanced students. Whatever the final plans adopted in preparing a uniform standard of granting scholarships, it would no doubt prevent this "shopping" about and give interested, deserving graduates a better opportunity to proceed with advanced study and research. Daily Illini.
