

Details of All Houses Will Be Given In One Booklet--Will Choose Fields of Concentration at Same Time

The date on which blanks for application for rooms in the Houses will be distributed to the Class of 1935 will be determined on Friday, January 15, at a meeting of the seven House masters with A. C. Hanford, dean of the College, and W. C. Saeger '04, bursar of the University.

A date, between two and three months distant, will be chosen so as to allow ample time for the first year men to determine their preferences, and to form groups for joint application. No official limitation of the size of such groups has been made, and the matter will be left to the discretion of the individual masters.

Single Booklet

It is probable that the date selected will fall considerably before the final examination and reading periods, as communication with undergraduates at that time is more difficult. To save clerical expense the application blanks will, it is expected, be distributed together with the literature and cards given annually to Freshmen in connection with the choice of concentration fields.

The large pamphlets distributed by the Houses in the past, containing architects' drawings, complete floor plans, and lists of House staffs, will probably be dispensed with, in favor of a single booklet giving data concerning all the seven units.


In the near future re-assignment blanks for undergraduates already in the Houses will be distributed to students who wish to retain their rooms.
