
The Student Vagabond

Freshman registration has ever been full of interest for the Vagabond and he motored down from the hills yesterday to indulge his hobby. For the Vagabond is a connoisseur, a collector of personalities. Among his subjects he browses as an antiquarian among his antiques. However, and in this the antiquarians, the collectors are more fortunate than the Vagabond, he cannot furnish his den with live or stuffed specimens. In the first place the subjects might object and in the second place too much of a good thing is too much. And so he must content himself with examining his objects "on the hoof."

Once again the fellow sauntered in and out of the old dormitories in the Yard and sighed for days of other years when the Yard was populated by the knowing ones. Stoughton, Hollis, approved by Copey, his thoughts wandered and he glanced at the printed lists which advertise the names of former inmates of the old digs. Ah, here was a cousin of his father's, an old rogue's hangout. And the Vagabond wondered if the word hangout originated as a term for the age-old practice of hanging out one's window to watch parades, fights, riots, lovers, Yard cops, and other civil commotions. He was disturbed to discover that the lists of inmates are no longer kept, in fact addition of names ceased in 1912. Where is the respect for the ancestors, the elders, and why has the worthy practice been permitted to lapse at this, of all times, when Freshmen are to be awed by the knowledge of their predecessors are to be impressed with the desecration they commit?
