

In the reviews published yesterday and today under the Confidential Guide, members of the Freshman Class have been able to read serious criticisms of the courses among which they will be expected to choose during the next few days. Usually one's curriculum must be guided by the language or distribution requirements, but within these limits there is generally some range. In certain key courses, essential to fields of concentration, no amount of detraction could lessen the enrollment. Yet a carefully reasoned criticism, given undergraduate support, may frequently receive official consideration. It is for this reason that such courses have been treated in some detail, sometimes praised, perhaps more often disparaged, but rarely reviewed without several frank comments.

When preferences in courses are possible, they may be indicated, but there is no particularly preferred or recommended curriculum. Instead, each review embodies the opinion of an individual or a small group of persons, which may or may not coincide with universal judgments. When a Freshman is confronted with a wide selection of courses, no opinion can be more helpful for making a decision than that of one who his recently taken the course.
