
From New Haven... Of Course


Harvard, dear, old, trustworthy Harvard, is planning a course for prison wardens. If this is not "reductio ad absurdum" to the limit, we are at a loss to understand what it is.... Just what degree will be awarded at the conclusion of this work in higher education is not as yet suggested but very likely it will be something imposing like "B. B. R." meaning "Bachelor of Bum Rehabilitation."

From experience with Harvard men generally it would seem certain that graduates from prisons presided over by these "B. B. R's" will no longer call prison "stir," nor $1,000 "a grand" or use any of the rest of the argot of the underworld we now know. Rather we may expect "Chappie" to replace "Cul" as a title of address and "loot" to take the place of "swag." All of which will be quite a bit pleasanter to the car, we admit, but quite outre. New Haven Register.
