Seven members of the Junior Class and three Sophomores will form the nucleus of the Student Council for the ensuing year, according to announcements made last night by Vernon Munree, Jr. '31, retiring president in charge of the election. Five additional members will be elected by the Council at its first meeting in the Faculty Room of University Hall at 7.15 o'clock tonight.
The Council will be organized next year as it has been in the past, with ten members elected at large, and an additional five chosen by the committee itself. Although the seven houses which will be in operation next year will necessitate some different form of student government, no complete plan will be in operation until the next elections. Tomorrow night, however, in the selection of additional representatives, every house will be insured a member on the new Council. Of especial interest is the fact that, of the ten men now elected to the Council, eight are members of Dunster House. Also of the ten members, nine are either members or managers of University athletic teams.
Voting was light as it has usually been in undergraduate elections, but 209 votes being cast by the Junior Class and less than that number by the Sophomore Class.
The list of men elected is as follows: Class of 1932
Norwood Penrose Hallowell, of Readville.
William Barry Wood, Jr., of Milton.
Eugene Edwin Record, of Brookline.
Charles Crehore Cunningham, of Milton.
Eustis Dearborn, of Sandwich.
Joseph Rawson Collins, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
James Barr Ames, of Wayland. Class of 1933.
Carl Henry Hageman, Jr., of Lorain. Ohio.
Robert Saltonstall. Jr., of Readville.
Nathan Phillips Dodge, Jr., of Hyde Park.
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