
Places of Final Examinations Today and Tomorrow

The following is the examination schedule for today and Monday. The Crimson assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the schedule, which is posted in University Hall. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock unless otherwise specified.

A student who presents himself at an examination is not entitled to a make-up examination for any reason whatsoever. The proctors are instructed not to allow any student to leave the room without giving his name and submitting a blue book or blue books. TODAY Economics 32  Emerson F Economics 34  Emerson F Engin, Sciences 3b  Robinson Annex French 40  Sever 5 Government 15  Sever 5 History 57b  Andover C Music 1b  Music Bldg. Philosophy 13d  Emerson A Physiology 4  Emerson F Psychology 10  Emerson A Slavie 3b  Emerson A Social Ethics 29  Emerson A Social Ethics 30  Emerson A

TODAY AT 2 O'CLOCK French 2 Mr. Austin, Sec. 8  New Lect. Hall Mr. Bouvier, Sec. 4  New Lect. Hall Mr. Carriers, Sec. 3, 7  New Lect. Hall Mr. Darby, Sec. 17  New Lect. Hall Dr. Francon, Sec. 6, 12  New Lect. Hall Mr. Johnson, Sec. 18  New Lect. Hall Mr. Keith, Sec. 2  New Lect. Hall Mr. Kelsey, Sec. 10  Memorial Hall Mr. Mezzacappa, Sec. 15  Memorial Hall Mr. O'Brien, Sec. 5  Memorial Hall Mr. Richard, Sec. 16  Emerson D Mr. F. P. Smith, Sec. 9, 11  Memorial Hall Mr. J. M. Smith, Sec. 13  Emerson D Mr. Solano, Sec. 14  Emerson D Dr. Webster, Sec. 1  Emerson D

TOMORROW Chemistry 6  Mallinckrodf MB23 Chemistry 33  Mallinckrodf MB9 Classical Archaeology 1b  Sever 30 Classical Philology 26  Sever 36 Comparative Literature 19 Applebaum-McKenna  Sever 11 McNulty-Stebbins  Sever 6 Stilson-Wooten  Sever 5 Economics A Mr. Anderson, Sec. F. G. P.  New Lect. Hall Mr. Arthur, Sec. N  New Lect. Hall Mr. Beach, Sec. T  New Lect. Hall Mr. Brown, Sec. R  New Lect. Hall Mr. Buchanan, Sec. M.S  New Lect. Hall Professor Chamberlin, Sec. AA  New Lect. Hall Mr. Crane, Sec. D. E. K  New Lect. Hall Mr. Daly, Sec. J. L  Memorial Hall Mr. Elisworth, Sec. B. C  Memorial Hall Dr. Ham, Sec. A  Memorial Hall Mr. Leighton, Sec. V. Y  Memorial Hall Mr. Phinney, Sec. Q. X  Geel. Lect. Rm. Mr. Smith, Sec. H  Geel. Lect. Rm. Mr. Towle, Sec. U. Z  Geel. Lect. Rm. Dr. White, Sec. O.W  Harvard 2

Economics 4b  Adams Rittler  Emerson D  Roper Young  Emerson JEnglish 39  Sever REnglish 41  Allen Kaizer  Sever 23  Levack-Wink  Sever 24English 76  Sever 35English 93  Sever 18Fine Arts 1a  Fogg Large Rm.German 8  Sever 17German 9  Sever 18German 24  Harvard 5Government 4  Sever 36Greek B  Mr. Finley, Sec. 2  Sever 30History 55  Harvard 6Italian 10  Sever 5Mathematics A VI  Mr. Galbraith, Sec. 1  Harvard 5  Mr. Frame, Sec. 2  Harvard 5Mathematics 2  Prof. Stone, Sec. 3  Sever 17Mathematics 13  Sever 35Mineralogy 12  Gool. Mus. 22Music 5  Music Bldg.Philosophy 3a  Emerson JPhysics 19  Semitic Mus. 1Physics 33  Semitic Mus. 1Psychology 5  Emerson ASemitic 18  Semitic Mus. 1Semitic 21  Semitic Mus. 1Spanish 8  Emerson
