

Individual Recognition

The custom of Indiana university seniors receiving their diplomas direct from the hand of the president at the Commencement exercises has been abandoned in recent years. The reason for the discontinuance of this tradition was that with the ever-increasing number of graduates each June, the practice of individual presentation tended to make the affair too protracted.

Last year the recipients of degrees were announced in groups. For example, the dean of each school gave a brief introductory address after which the members of his school arose in a body for recognition.

The Daily Student would suggest that the University return to its former custom of honoring the graduates individually by calling them before President Bryan to receive their diplomas. It is believed that this would be appreciated, not only by the graduate himself, but by his relatives and friends who come here primarily to see him graduate.

Since the exercises, if this suggestion were adopted, would be lengthened considerably, it might be possible to curtail somewhat the other formalities in connection with the conferring of degrees.

The personal element should be preserved in the Commencement exercises. Indiana Daily Student.
