

MONDAYS AT NINE, or PEDAGOGUES ON PARADE. Edited by Paul Brooks '31, and T. Graydon Upton '31. Illustrated by Carl E. Pickhardt '31. The Harvard Lampoon. Cambridge. 1931. $1.50.

A collection of the literary debris of Sarah Lampoon, last of the white witches and confidante of the Harvard faculty, is at liberty. Its appearance had hitherto been prophesied by the CRIMSON, and it is reported to have been lurking in the vicinity of Harvard Square bookstores during the wee hours of this morning.

The coming of the portentous work, heralded and omened by illegitimate night lights and uncouth noises from Mt. Auburn Street, and by righteous uneasiness among Harvard professors, presents contemporary and past Harvard men with an opportunity to enjoy themselves. For the authors have held the mirror up to nature (albeit a slightly imperfect mirror) and the defects of Cambridge scholars--dignity, austerity, knowledge, etc.--come through the refining process of distortion until they are seen in their true light. Fifty pages of wit and caricature at three cents per page.
