

The Hebronian comment on the practice of week ending, printed elsewhere in these columns, goes to show the extent to which that evil has penetrated the American system of education.

First it was noised about that the father of blue boys appealed to the better natures of the upstate girls not to take his sons away for week ends. Yet the sons came back to work weekly. Now it appears that the younger brothers are in danger of having their week-ending privileges curtailed because, it is feared, their studies will suffer.

There is no solution of the problem that will be equitable for all. For the individual it is a matter of how far he goes during his week end or whether he would prefer to slave around college. There are those who advocate non-interference in the pleasures of college men and restriction in the case of preparatory school boys. It is argued that weekenders return to studies with the advantage of a fresher mind. This has been urged in the cases of college men. There is no reason why such should not be the defense for preparatory students.
