For the first time in the history of international sport Harvard and Yale track men, partners in a meet with Oxford and Cambridge at Stamford Bridge, in London on July 18, will make a tour of Continental cinderpaths. Announcement was made yesterday that the governing sports-bodies of Sweden, Germany, Norway, and Denmark, have tendered an invitation through the Amateur Athletic Union to the American track forces to compete on the Continent following their brush with the Light and Dark Blue.
Six or Seven to be Chosen
The visiting athletes have been invited to engage in the international games at Cologne, Berlin, Oslo, Stockholm, and Copenhagen during July and August, with expenses pro-rated among the several clubs conducting the meets. It is expected that a total of only six or seven men will be chosen, and these have been designated by the A. A. U. to represent the United States; no other American team will be picked. Control by Harvard and Yale athletic authorities will end with the London meet.
Each Race to Last 2 Days
If half a dozen or more of the Harvard team decide to compete, Farrell plans to accompany them. "Probably they will not want to enter all of the five games," he said; "each is a two-day affair, and that's a lot of racing after a college season. The chief meets are at Cologne and Stockholm." George Connors, Eli mentor, will probably return after the Oxford-Cambridge meeting.
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