
Final Examinations Today and Monday

A student who presents himself at an examination is not entitled to a make-up examination for any reason whatsoever The proctors are instructed not to allow any student to leave the room without giving his name and submitting a blur took or blue books.

The following is the examination schedule for today and Monday. The Crimson assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the schedule, which is posted in University Hall. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock unless otherwise specified. TODAY Anthropology 1  Pierce 110 Astronomy 5  Pierce 110 Botany 18  Harvard 5 Chemistry 17b  Mallinckrodt MB23 Economics 5  Fogg Large Rm. Economics 41b  Fogg Large Rm. English 1  Sever 11 English 79 Berfolef Hines  Sever 5 Hinkle Windecker  Sever 6 Fine Aria 1f  Robinson Hall French 21  Harvard 5 Geography 3  Geol. Lect. Rm. Geology 6  Emerson D German 1a Dr. Zipf. Sec. 1  Sever 23 German 2 Mr. Lewis, Sec. 1  Sever 24 Government 19  Semitie Mus. 1 History 1 Mr. Coddington. Sec. 1, 29  Conf. Group 1 Mallinckrodt MB9 Mr. Cram, Sec. 2, 41  Conf. Group II New Lect Hall Mr. Dean, Sec. 3, 36.  Conf. Group III Mallinckrodt MB9 Mr. Dow, Sec. 4, 15.  Conf. Group IV New Lect. Hall Mr. Fowler, Sec. 5, 21.  Conf. Group V Memorial Hall Mr. Perkins, Sec. 39.  Conf. Group VII Memorial Hall Mr. Potter, Sec. S. 46.  Conf. Group VIII. Memorial Hall Mr. Straffen, Sec. 6, 38.  Conf. Group IX New Lect. Hall Mr. Van Tyne. Sec. 10, 34.  Conf Group X Geol. Lect. Rm Mr. Williams, Sec. 40, 42. Conf. Group XI  Mallinckrodt MB23 Mr. Woolbert, Sec. 12, 19 Conf. Group XII  Harvard 6 History 4  Harvard 2 History 24b  Andover C History 40  Geol. Lect. Rm Italian 5  Emerson J. Latin 8  Sever 17 Mathematics A 11 Professor Beatley, Sec. 1  Sever 36 Mr. Whitney, Sec. 2  Sever 30 Mr. Myers, Sec. 3  Sever 30 Mathematics 2 Prof. Birkhoff, Sec. 1  Emerson D Mathematics 22b  Semitic Mus. 1. Philosophy 10  Emerson D Physics 6a  Sever 35 Physics 25  Pierce 304 Physics 11  Sever 35 Psychology 32  Emerson D Social Ethics A  Emerson D Spanish G  Sever 17

TODAY AT 2 O'CLOCK Philosophy 1 Adams Smith  Emerson D

Spencer-Zacher  Emerson A

MONDAYAnthropoloy 5b  Sever 11Chemistry AAbrams-Merz  Mallinckrodt MB23Mitchell-Yesner  Pierce 110Chemistry 3b  Mallinckrodt MB23Chemistry 21  Mallinckrodt MB23Chinese 1  Sever 23Economics 8a  Sever 11Economics 14  Sever 11Engin. Science 7b.  Pierce 307English 3b  Memorial HallEnglish 11b  Emerson DEnglish 29b  Emerson DFine Arts 1dAdams-Prendergast  Fogg Large Rm.Rae-Yerkes  Robinson AnnexFrench 7  Memorial HallGeography A  Geol. Lect. Rm.Geology 8  Mallinckrodt MB23German 1bMr. Bennett, Sec. 1  Harvard 6Mr. Lewis, Sec. 2  Harvard 6Dr. Heffner, Sec. 3  Harvard 6German 5  Sever 36Government 13b  Harvard 5Greek 12  Sever 36History 5b  New Lect. HallHistory 9  Harvard 2History 13Ames-Maloney  Sever 35Moskowitz-Wickersham  Sever 30History 14  Harvard 3History 48b  Andover CLatin BDr. Parry, Sec. 1  Sever 18Mr. Richards, Sec. 2  Sever 23Dr. Moseley, Sec. 3  Sever 24Latin 1  Sever 17Mathematics A IVProfessor Morse, Sec. 1  Emerson JMr. Moston, Sec. 2  Emerson JMathematics 2Professor Huntington, Sec. 2  New Lect. HallMathematics 5bAltman-Mason  Sever 5Model-Zacher  Sever 6Meteorology' 4  Geol. Mus. 43Music 2  Sever 6Music 3a  Music Bldg.Philosophy 18b  Emerson DPhysics 26  Pierce 304Physiology 7  Geol. Lect. Rm.Semitic 1  Sever 24Semitic 13  Sever 24Spanish 5  Sever 1
