With the addition of four names to the list of nominations for the Student Council of 1931-32, it was announced last night by Vernon Munroe, Jr. '31, who is in charge of the voting, that nominations were closed, and that ballots would be distributed by this morning's mail to all the members of the Junior and Sophomore classes. Voting will continue throughout the week, but all ballots must be in not later than Sunday night.
From the 40 names now listed seven Juniors and three Sophomores will be selected. A meeting of the newly-elected council will take place immediately, at which three additional Juniors and two Sophomores are to be picked to make up the quota for next year's council. The nominations from the respective classes are as follows:
From the Junior Class
James Barr Ames, of Wayland.
Norwood Pierson Beveridge, of Dorchester.
John deQuedville Briggs, Jr., of St. Paul, Minnesota.
Dudley Bradstreet Williams Brown, of Dobbs Ferry, New York.
Richard Norman Clark, Jr., of Atlanta, Georgia.
Edward Ball Cole, of Cambridge.
Joseph Rawson Collins, of Cincinnati, Ohio.
Charles Crehore Cunningham, of Milton.
Eustis Dearborn, of Sandwich.
Alexander Cochrane Forbes, of Wellesley.
Otto Ernest Fuerbringer, of St. Louis, Missouri.
Norwood Penrose Hallowell, Jr., of Readville.
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