

Harvard is peculiarly fortunate in having a background upon which to build which is rich in literature and steeped in the older traditions of Europe. The opening of the Poetry Room in the Library today is a continuation of this tradition. Although there are certain disadvantages to the location of the Woodberry Memorial in the seclusion of the third floor in Widener there can be little doubt that it will prove of great value. Centralizing the scattered collections of poetry is of service to the scholar and should at the same time give many the opportunity to browse who would otherwise not have been able to do so.

It is in this latter respect that the Poetry Room can be of greatest benefit. A college education today involves so much specialization and attempts to cover such a vast territory that many of the cardinal points in the older traditions are lost sight of. This is true, in large measure, of reading and writing the English language from a purely literary point of view. The average student on leaving college is in no way master of the art of composition and he has little unofficial acquaintance with his own literary background. That this should be so is unfortunate both because the individual loses a source of life-long enjoyment and also because he will be constantly handicapped by his limitations no matter what line he may follow.

Although the establishment of a Poetry Room, similar to the Farnsworth Room is no guarantee that Harvard undergraduates will come into closer contact with English and other literatures, yet if offers a splendid opportunity for those who chose to avail themselves of it. However, at the same time that the University through the generosity of Mr. Flagler, is creating a physical environment for the enjoyment of reading would it not be possible for greater stress to be laid on a knowledge of literature as a fundamental of education? The tutorial system although already burdened is an ideal channel for an education of this sort.
