

The following is the complete final examinations schedule. The Crimson assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the schedule, which is posted In University Hall. All examinations begin at 9.15 o'clock unless otherwise specified. WEDNESDAY, MAY 27 (XIV) Anthropology 2  Sever 26 Botany 6b  Farlow Berb. Chemistry 7  Mallinckrodt MB23 Classical Philology 34b  Sever 36 Comp. Literature 11  Memorial Hall Comp. Literature 13  Sever 18 Economics 9b  Emerson D Economics 13b  Sever 17 Fine Arts 5n  Fogg Large Rm. German 11  Sever 36 Government 18b  Harvard 6 History of Religions 1b  Andover C Latin A Mr. Westgate, Sec. 2  Sever 18 Latin B Dr. Chase, Sec., 5  Sever 17 Mathematics 9  Harvard 2 Mineralogy 10  Mineral. Lab. Music 4b  Music Bldg. Philosophy 3  Emerson D Physics C Aranow-Rodman  Mallinckrodt MB 9 Sampson-Wye  Mallinckrodt MB 23 Physics 3b  Emerson D Psychology 16a  Emerson A Slavic 1b  Emerson A

2. P. M. (X) Chinese 12  Memorial Hall Education C  Memorial Hall Military Science 1  Emerson D Military Science 3  Emerson D Naval Science 1  Memorial Hall Naval Science 3  Memorial Hall

THURSDAY, MAY 28 (III) Anthropology A  Emerson D Anthropology 11  Emerson D Astronomy 1  Geol. Lect. Rm. Botany 7  Gray Herb. Chemistry 15  Mallinckrodt MB9 Classical Philology 23  Sever 30 Comp. Literature 40  Sever 36 Economics 1b  New Lect. Hall Economics 7b  New Lect. Hall Economics 31  New Lect. Hall English 2  Memorial Hall English 75  Memorial Hall Fine Arts 5k  Fogg Small Rm. French 9  Emerson J Geography 6  Geol. Lect. Rm. Geology 16  Geol., Lect. Rm. German 1a Mr. Bennett, Sec. 2  Harvard 5 Professor Silz, Sec. 3  Harvard 5 Mr. Holske, Sec. 4  Harvard 5 German 2 Professor Lieder, Sec. 2  Harvard 6 Professor Cawley, Sec. 3  Harvand 6 German 12b  Harvard 6 Government 10  Emerson D Greek B Professor Greene, Sec. 1  Sever 30 History 12  New Lect. Hall History 56b  New Lect. Hall Latin 12  Sever 17 Mathematics A III Professor Coolidge, Sec. 1  Fogg Large Rm. Dr. Gergen, Sec. 2  Fogg Large Rm. Mr. Whitney, Sec. 3  Fogg Large. Rm. Mr. Adams, Sec. 4  Fogg Large Rm. Mr. Anderson, Sec. 5  Fogg Large Rm. Mr. Van Schaack, Sec. 6  Fogg Large Rm. Mr. Moston, Sec. 7  Fogg Large Rm. Mathematics 4  Harvard 2 Mathematics 12b  Harvard 2 Mathematics 18  Harvard 2 Meteorology 2  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mineralogy 2  Mineral. Lect. Rm. Music 6  Music Bldg. Philosophy 21  Emerson D Zoology 4  Sever 36

2 P. M. History 18  Sever 32 Philosophy A  Emerson A, D, F, J

FRIDAY, MAY 29 (II) Anthropology 1  Pierce 110 Astronomy 5  Pierce 110 Botany 18  Harvard 5 Chemistry 17b  Mallinckrodt MB23 Economics 5  Fogg Large Rm. Economics 41b  Fogg Large Rm. English 1  Sever 11 English 79  Sever 5, 6 Fine Arts 1f  Robinson Hall French 21  Harvard 5 Geography 3  Geol. Lect. Rm. Geology 6  Emerson D German 1a Dr. Zipf, Sec. 1  Sever 23 German 2 Mr. Lewis, Sec. 1  Sever 24 Government 19  Semitie Mus. History 1 Mr. Coddington, Sec 1. 29, Conf. Group I  Mallinckrodt MB9 Mr. Cram, Sec. 2. 41 Conf, Group II  New Lect. Hall Mr. Dean, Sec. 3. 36, Conf, Group III  Mallinckrodt MB9 Mr. Dow, Sec. 4, 15, Conf, Group IV  New Lect. Hall Mr. Fowler, Hec. 5, 21, Conf. Group V  Memorial Hall Mr. Perkins, Sec. 89, Conf. Group VII  Memorial Hall Mr. Potter, Sec. 8, 16, Conf. Group VIII,  Memorial Hall Mr. Stratton, Sec. 6, 88, Conf. Group IX  New Lect. Hall Mr. Van Tyne, Sec. 10, 34, Conf. Group X  Geol. Lect. Rm. Mr. Williams, Sec. 40, 42, Conf. Group XI  Mallinckrodt MB23 Mr. Woolbert, Sec. 12, 19, Conf. Group XII  Harvard 6 History 4  Harvard 2 History 24b  Andover C History 40  Geol. Lect. Rm. Italian 5  Emerson J Latin 8  Sever 17 Mathematics A II Professor Beatley, Sec. 1  Sever 36 Mr. Whitney, Sec. 2  Sever 30 Mr. Myers, Sec. 3  Sever 30 Mathematics 2 Prof. Birkhoff, Sec. 1  Emerson J Mathematics 22b  Semitic Mus. 1 Philosophy 10  Emerson D Physics 6a  Sever 35 Physics 25  Pierce 304 Physics 41  Sever 35 Psychology 32  Emerson D Social Ethics A  Emerson D Spanish 6  Sever 17

2 P.M. Philosophy 1  Emerson A, D

MONDAY, JUNE 1 (IV) Anthropology 5b  Sever 11 Chemistry A  Mallinckrodt MB9   Pierce 110 Chemistry 3b  Mallinckrodt MB23 Chemistry 21  Mallinckrodt MB23 Chinese 1  Sever 23 Economics 8a  Sever 11 Economics 14  Sever 11 Engin. Sciences 7b.  Pierce 307 English 3b  Memorial Hall English 11b  Emerson D English 29b  Emerson D Fine Arts 1d  Fogg Large Rm. French 7  Memorial Hall Geography A  Geol. Lect. Rm. Geology 8  Mallinckrodt MB23 German 1b Mr. Bennett, Sec. 1  Harvard 6 Mr. Lewis, Sec. 2  Harvard 6 Dr. Heffner, Sec. 3  Harvard 6 German 5  Sever 36 Government 13b  Harvard 5 Greek 12  Sever 36 History 5b  New Lect. Hall History 9  Harvard 2 History 13  Sever 30, 35 History 14  Harvard 3 History 48b  Andover C Latin B Dr. Parry, Sec. 1  Sever 18 Mr. Richards, Sec. 2  Sever 23 Dr. Moseley, Sec. 3  Sever 24 Latin 1  Sever 17 Mathematics A IV Professor Morse, Sec. 1  Emerson J Mr. Moston, Sec. 2  Emerson J Mathematics 2 Professor Huntington, Sec. 2  New Lect. Hall Mathematics 5b  Sever 5, 6 Meteorology 4  Geol. Mus. 43 Music 2  Sever 6 Music 3a  Music Bldg. Philosophy 18b  Emerson D Physics 26  Pierce 304 Physiology 7  Geol. Lect. Rm. Semitic 1  Sever 24 Semitic 13  Sever 24 Spanish 5  Sever 17

TUESDAY, JUNE 2 (XVI) Economics 32  EmersonF Economics 34  Emerson F Engin. Sciences 3b  Robinson Annex French 40  Sever 5

Government 15  Sever 5History 57b  Andover CMusic 1b  Music Bldg.Philosophy 13d  Emerson APhysiology 4  Emerson EPsychology 10  Emerson ASlavic 3b  Emerson ASocial Ethics 29  Emerson ASocial Ethics 30  Emerson
