When the assembled air fleet visits New England in a demonstration of mimic defense next Monday, it will be over the protests of a disorganized and heterogeneous minority. Some have objected on pacifistic grounds, others on grounds of health, namely the annoyance, if not danger, to patients ill in hospitals. And among other groups, there is one which voices its disapproval at the spending of so large a sum during a period of national depression.
All of these arguments, especially the last, have considerable validity. But while such a display is one so obviously thrilling to all people despite their political, economical, or Utopian creeds, it proves very little in the forecasting of future public attitudes toward exhibitions of a similar nature.
Undoubtedly there will be some among the poor and unemployed who will turn rather misanthropically Socialistic at the sight. It is more probable that the majority of beholders, especially the children who will experience awe and a holiday, will become more firmly American.
But the most interesting phenomena will be those who honestly disbelieve in the display for any one of many valid reasons. If they do not experience the cool tickle down their spines, it is because they have missed the sight. And one may readily sympathize with their hasty and shamefaced return to steadfast convictions once the last roar has vanished. Even a reformer is sometimes human.
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