Between the three undergraduate publications at Harvard there exists a curious relationship. Each one is loath to acknowledge the accomplishments of the other two; each one is not unwilling to put on frivolous airs of superiority before the others. There is hardly a reason why this healthy situation should be interrupted; there is no cause for breaking up the badinage of innocuous derogations.
Old Mother Advocate's sixty-fifth birthday provides an occasion for declaring a verbal truce, however. Decked out in her new white party dress, with only a brightened green frill as a vestige of the by-gone years, she has made her dowager debut. Whereas Pegasus, her ancestral sire, has been rejuvenated by Spring, she has had a completely modern face-lifting. But the old lady was clever enough to realize the futility of mere external dressing up. A blood transfusion was made and in her haughty blue veins there now flow some new corpuscles--some with a crimson tinge. She makes no claim to being an Edna Wallace Hopper. She grew old and experienced the peacefulness of age. But now she is a girl again, oblivious to the thought of others, but mindful that she has some thoughts of her own.
And this latter change is a noteworthy one. The Advocate has branched out into the field of provocative essay writing with a gusto that is encouraging and convincing. Casting a strict literary tradition aside she publishes in her current Spring number a thoughtful article that scrapes the sham off of the English Department and one that at the same time puts both modern architecture and the Harkness Hoot in their places. In fact, the Advocate has, in its conservative manner, gone "Hoot". Its editorial gives every indication that it intends to continue this newly established policy. The writing of essays on subjects of vital interest is surely within its province. The only regret on Mother Advocate's rejuvenation is that she waited until her near dotage to begin her coy flirtation with Ponce de Leon.
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