

Seven Juniors and Three Sophomores Will be Elected--Nominations Close Tuesday

Twenty members of the Class of 1932, and 16 from the Sophomore Class were announced last night by Vernon Munroe, Jr. '31, president of this year's Student Council, as having been nominated for election to the council of 1931-32. Seven Juniors and three Sophomores will be chosen from this group, and upon election will meet to chose three additional Juniors and two more Sophomores completing the quota of the council.

Petitions Must be in Tuesday

Additional names may be joined to the list of nominations, attached by low, by petition. These petitions must be signed by 20 members of the nominee's class, and must be handed to Munroe not later than next Tuesday night. Voting will be held by secret ballot on the following Wednesday and Thursday. Feeling that with the advent of the new Houses, each unit should be represented in the council for next year, the retiring board has taken steps to make this possible.

The names of the nominees are listed below:

From the Junior Class--


John deQuedville Briggs, Jr., of St. Paul, Minnesota.

Dudley Bradstreet Williams Brown, of Dobbs Ferry, New York.

Richard Norman Clark, Jr., of Atlanta, Georgia.

Edward Ball Cole, of Cambridge.

Joseph Rawson Collins, of Cincinnati, Ohio.

Charles Crehore Cunningham, of Milton.

Eustis Dearborn, of Sandwich.

Alexander Cochrane Forbes of Wellesley.

Otto Ernest Fuerbringer, of St. Louis, Missouri.

Norwood Penrose Hallowell, Jr., of Readville.
