

Group Elected Will Then Select Five Colleagues--Each House Will Have at Least One Member

Seven Juniors and three Sophomores will be elected to the 1931-32 Student Council next week, according to plans laid last night by the retiring Student group. Five additional men, three from 1932, and two from 1933, will then be chosen by the new group.

Nominations for the offices open will be published tomorrow; additions to these lists by petition will be permitted up until 6 o'clock Tuesday evening, May 26. On Wednesday, May 27, ballots will be distributed by mail to the voters, members of the Classes of 1932 and 1933. Each class will, as usual, select only its own representatives.

An Inter-House Council

This year's elections differ from those of previous terms in but one particular. With the opening of seven Houses in the fall, the Council will, it is felt, necessarily become an inter-House council. In order that every unit may be represented on the Council by at least one member, any House left unrepresented after the results of the public election are known will be furnished with a member by the newly-elected group.

Last night's meeting saw the conclusion of the year's work for the retiring Council. Two major repots have been presented since the first of the year--one including recommendations concerning the House Plan in general, the other a comprehensive study of the problems confronting inter-House athletics, offering suggestions for inaugurating intramural sports in the fall. One other major report, the result of a year's study of the tutorial system and the general examinations, will be made public within two weeks.
