

Two In One

Hobart has experienced two revolutionary changes during the past two years. Changes that are potentially greater than the material improvements, extensive as these have been, of college equipment.

The first is the tutorial system inaugurated by Dean Turk. Student tutors now prevent the man who lags in his work from academic suicide by intensive training in the subjects he fails to master. This system has its culmination for the year in exam week.

The second is intramural sports which have been developed by Manager Kraus, with the cooperation of Coach Bohren, to the point at which nearly every student in the College is participating in organized athletics. The intramural sports season has its culmination in the track-meet this Saturday.

These two developments are not steps in progress, they are leaps. The success of both systems is not to be proved. It is evident. The two converge in one ideal, mens saua in corpore sano.
