Published in the CRIMSON this morning is an arduous schedule of activities planned for Commencement week by the members of the Class of 1906. At least the Alumni can not be accused of being lazy if they meet all the engagements set for them. But they are determined to resurrect all the memories and manners of their undergraduate days in the short span of a week and will carry through their intentions to the bitter dregs.
The twenty-fifth reunion is an occasion of gaiety and comedy for many but it becomes tragic even in its moments of forced jollity when the less fortunate members of the class look about them. A man is either a success or a distinct failure in his own view by the time of his twenty-fifth anniversary. And never is the fact of an alumnus' spiritual or financial short-coming more deeply or permanently impressed upon him than at such reunions when close comparisons are made and inequalities are evident.
Those who return with no practical cares romp through a week, hard on their endurance but furnishing enough nervous excitement to carry them along, and return to their homes tired. But they gain experience in their short stay in Cambridge which is valuable in the formation of an understanding that though the fundamentals of college are ever the same, undergraduate life is constantly changing and has left them out-of-date.
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