
Plans for 1906 Class Reunion in June are Now Complete for Week of June 14 to 18--Spread is to be Held on June 16

Plans for the Class of 1906 twenty-fifth reunion, made public yesterday, include the fullest possible week of activity starting on Sunday, June 14, and finishing on Commencement Day, June 18.

Members of the Glass of 1906, their wives, and children will live in the Freshman dormitories, almost all of their time being taken up with field days and general celebrations. The closing event of the reunion will be a farewell tea in Smith Hall immediately after the alumni exercises on Commencement Day.

The Complete program follows:

Sunday, June 14

(Men, Wives and Childen)


10.00 Registration and Reception at Freshman Dormitories

1.00 Luncheon at the Freshman Dormitories

3.00 Inspection of various buildings under guidance of undergraduate "Sons of '06"

4.45 Memorial Service for deceased members of Class in Appleton Chapel

5.30 Reception at President Lowell's house on Quincy Street

7.00 Supper at Freshman Dormitories, followed by informal entertainment

Monday, June 15


(Men and Sons--who are at least 18 years old)

9.00 Automobiles will leave Freshman Dormitories for the Essex Country Club, Manchester, for the entire day there. Golf, tennis and other sports for those so inclined. Luncheon and dinner


(Wives and Children)

9.00 Automobiles will leave Freshman Dormitories for the Eastern Yacht Club at Marblehead. There will be sports of all kinds, including bathing and sailing during the day, under supervision, for the younger children

7.00 Supper at Freshman Dormitories, followed by the entertainment in the Commons Room of Smith Halls

Tuesday, June 16


(Men, Wives and Children)

9.00 Automobiles will leave Fresh- man Dormitories for Robert Amory's place in Milton. The facilities of the Dedham Country and Polo Club will be available for golf, tennis, etc. Horses available for riding.

12.30 Assemble for group picture of Reunionists at Robert Amory's

1.00 Buffet luncheon

2.00 Automobiles will leave for Cambridge

3.30 The men will march in the procession from Harvard Hall to the Stadium

4.00 Stadium exercises. Section will be reserved for the wives and children

6.30 Class Spread at the Harvard Union, followed by entertainment and dancing Provision will be made for children under ten to remain in Freshman Dormitories. During the evening the Yard is illuminated and the Glee Club sings on the steps of Widener at 9.00. Name badges admit to the Yard.

Wednesday, June 17


(Men, Wives and Children)

9.30 Sports on Soldiers Field or boating on the Charles River, or sightseeing trips to Concord and Lexington or Wayside Inn during forenoon

11.00 Swimming meet for boys under college age in New Swimming Pool

12.30 Luncheon for all at Freshman Dormitories

2.15 Men and sons assemble on Soldiers Field for the procession, joining wives and daughters in reserved sections in grandstand After luncheon, wives and daughters will go direct to reserved sections in the grandstand

3.30 Harvard-Yale Baseball Game

7.30 Class Dinner for members of the class only, Harvard Club of Boston

7.30 Dinner and entertainment for wives, sons and daughters, fourteen and over, at either Copley-Plaza or Somerset Hotel Children under fourteen will have supper and simple entertainment at Freshman Dormitories

Thursday, June 18


(Men, Wives and Children)

The Graduating Class Commencement Exercises take place in Sever Quadrangle in the Yard at 9.45. Class assembles at 9.30

12.30 Luncheon for ladies and children at the Freshman Dormitories. Cambridge

12.30 Chief Marshal's and 1906 Spread in special tent in the Yard for class only

1.30 Class will join the Alumni Procession in the Yard and march to Sever Quadrangle for the Alumni Exercises which begin at 2.00. Wives and children will go direct to Sever Quadrangle where seats are reserved for them For the wives and children who do not wish to attend the Alumni Exercises, trips on the Charles River from the Weld Boat Club will be provided

4.00 A farewell gathering with music and tea will be held at Smith Halls immediately after the Alumni Exercises The Reunion officially ends after the Farewell Tea. All rooms in the Freshman Dormitories must be vacated by 6.00 p.m. on Thursday
