The results of elections for the management of the Hasty Pudding theatricals for 1931-32, were announced yesterday. At the same time it was indicated that a competition for the music, lyrics, and book, for the show of next season, will begin on Tuesday evening, May 26, with a short meeting in Sever 3.
Plans for the coming season include trips to Wellesley, Northhampton, and New York, in addition to the usual five days in Cambridge. The tour will take place shortly before the spring vacation. James Boyle, a well-known musical-comedy producer and director of theatrical troupes in New York, who has drilled the Pudding shows for the past few years, has been secured as director for next season.
The competition for the literary and artistic departments of the new production is to be open to all members of the University, all those interested in theatrical work being urged to report at the coming meeting, which is scheduled to begin at 8 o'clock.
The new managerial committee is as follows: President, Stewart Scott, Jr. '33; Manager, R. S. Neff '33: Assistant Manager, John Drum '33: Costume Manager, Karl Adams, Jr. '33: Publicity Manager, J. M. Bradley '33: Assistant Publicity Manager, B. P. Rogers '33: Ticket Manager Samuel Spencer '33.
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