
Collections and Critiques

Graduate Student Enterprise Reveals New Side of Artist

The current exhibition of the paintings, pastels, and drawings by Degas at the Fogg Art Museum, is one of the most complete showings of the works by this master that has recently been undertaken in this country. It is somewhat unusual in emphasizing portraiture. The public has become accustomed to associating the name of Degas always with ballet dancers, but here this subject occurs only in the brilliant pastel of the two girls behind the scenes, and in the small pencil drawing on pink paper. The two mono-types, which offer an interesting study of an unusual technique, represent the singers in Paris cafes:

The most striking works in the exhibition are undoubtedly the portrait of Diego Martelli and the three studies for it, though a close second is the carefully planned and competently executed portrait of Jules Finot, the painter. Other paintings and pastels deserve careful attention from the point of view of design, color, and fine drawing.

This exhibition, like the recent one of still life, has been entirely secured and arranged by students doing graduate work in the Fogg Museum. The pictures which have been shown for two weeks, will remain there until May 30.
