The program of general final examinations and examinations for honors is printed below.
Special examinations will be arranged between departments and students. MONDAY, MAY 4 9.15-12.15. History, Government, and Economics: Departmental. New Lecture Hall. 9.15-12.15. English Literature. Memorial Hall. 9.15-1.15. History and Literature--Final General Examination and Qualifying Examination (for Juniors, candidates for Honors). Emerson J. 9.15-1.15 Sociology and Social Ethics. Emerson J. TUESDAY, MAY 5 9.15-12.15. History, Government, and Economics: Correlation: American Economic History, Economic History of Western Europe, History of Commerce, History of Economic Thought. Memorial Hall. 9.15-12.15. German, French, Spanish and Italian Literatures. Memorial Hall. 9.15-1.15. Sociology and Social Ethics. Emerson J. WEDNESDAY, MAY 6 9.15-12.15. History, Government, and Economics: Correlation: American Constitutional History, History of Representative Government, History of International Relations, History of Political Thought. Memorial Hall. THURSDAY, MAY 7 9.15-12.15. History, Government, and Economics: Correlation: Public Administration and Finance, Government Regulation of Industry, International Economic Policies, Theories of Social and Political Organization. Memorial Hall. 9.15-1.15. Sociology and Social Ethics. Emerson J. FRIDAY, MAY 8 9.15-11.15. Greek Literature. Sever 29. SATURDAY, MAY 9 9.15-12.15. History, Government, and Economics: Special. Memorial Hall. 9.15-11.15. Latin Literature. Sever 29. MONDAY, MAY 11 9.15-12.15. History of Philosophy and General Psychology. Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Mathematics. Memorial Hall. 9.15-12.15. Anthropology (written). Peabody Museum. 9.15-12.15. Greek Composition (Greek 3 and 7). Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Biology. Botanical Museum 21. 9.15-12.15. Geology. Emerson J. TUESDAY, MAY 12 9.15-12.15. Systematic Philosophy and Special Psychological Topics. Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Mathematics. Memorial Hall. 9.15-12.15. Latin Composition (Latin 3 and 7). Emerson J. WEDNESDAY, MAY 13 Morning. 9.15-12.15. Special Philosophical Works. Emerson J. 9.00-12.00. Anthropology (oral). Peabody Museum. 9.15-12.15. Greek Translation (Honors). Sever 29. 9.15-12.15. Literature, Ancient Authors (Honors). Emerson J. 9.15-10.45. Fine Arts (written, with slides). Small Fogg Lecture Room. Afternoon. 2.00. Semitic Languages and History. Semitic Museum 3. THURSDAY, MAY 14 Morning. 9.15-12.15. Latin Translation (Honors). Sever 29. 9.15-12.15. Literature, Modern Authors (Honors). Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Physics. Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Bio-Chemical Sciences. Emerson J. FRIDAY, MAY 15 Morning. 9.15-1.15. Fine Arts (General). Small Fogg Lecture Room. 9.15-12.15. Bio-Chemical Sciences. Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Geology. Emerson J. 9.15-12.15. Mathematics. Memorial Hall. Afternoon. 2.00-5.00. Music (Harmony and Counterpoint. Music Building. SATURDAY, MAY 16 Afternoon. 2.00-5.00. Music (Fugue). Music Building. MONDAY, MAY 18 Afternoon. 2.00-5.00. Music (Orchestration). Music Building. WEDNESDAY, MAY 20 Afternoon. 2.00-5.00. Music (History and Appreciation). Music Building.