

Has Been Elected to Permanent 1931 Class Committee--Senator for Massachusetts Speaks

The appointment of Edward Sutherland Amazeen '31, of Melrose, to Succeed J.H. Lane '28 as graduate secretary of Phillips Brooks House was announced last night at the annual business meeting and dinner of the Brooks House Association. At the same time the cabinet for the year 1931-32 was installed. The chief speaker of the evening was Massachusetts Senator Henry Parkman, Jr. '15.

Amazeen, who is the retiring president of the Phillips Brooks House Association, has played on the University second football team and has been prominent in other undergraduate activities. He is president of Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity, a member of the Lowell House committee and was elected to the permanent 1931 class committee. His service in the Brooks House organization includes two years of experience on the social service committee and one year on the foreign student committee.

During the course of the business meeting the various committee chairmen of the organization submitted reports of the year's work, and some consideration was given to plans for the future.

State Senator Parkman addressed the gathering on the subject of the opportunities for college men in politics. He presented an informal consideration of the life of a politician and legislator and pointed out the responsibilities and satisfactions of such an existence.

In closing the meeting, which was attended by members of the Phillips Brooks House Committee, including Dean Sperry of the Divinity School and Professor G.G. Wilson, Amazeen outlined the trend of Brooks House policy and commended the work of Lane in connection with the organization.
