

J.R. Fletcher, E.A. Walker, H.B. Slade, J.M. Keller, R.D. Hickok, Jr., and Graff Elected to Offices

William Knight Ginman '32, of Muskegon, Mich., has been elected president of the undergraduate section of the Harvard Engineering Society for the year 1931-32, while John Root Fletcher '33, of Winnetka, III., will be vice-president for next year it was announced last night by Heber Wells 31, past president of the society, at an engineering meeting held in Pierce Hall.

The other new officers of the Engineering Society, which were also announced at the meeting last night, are as follows: Eric Arthur Walker '32, of Philadelphia, Pa treasurer: Harry Boone Slade '33, of New Britain, Conn., secretary: Joseph Michels Keller '32, of New York, N.Y., senior representative: Robert DeLoss Hickok Jr, '33, of Cleveland, Ohio, Junior representative; and Haward Millard Graff '34, of New Cansan, Conn., sophomore representative.

Four motion pictures on engineering subjects were shown at the meeting last night, the final one of the year The first one was it a technical exhibition of the process of riveting the second, a survey of the use of dynamite, particularly in the construction of the Cascade Tunnel, the third showed rosd building through the national foresis.
