Robert Bower Eckles '32, of York, Nebraska, was elected president of the Harvard Debating Council at the annual election of officers in the Faculty Room of the Harvard Union last night. Philip Henry Cohen '32, of Fort Hancock, New, Jersey, was selected vice-president; and George Frederick Oest '33, of Omaha, Nebraska was chosen secretary. These men succeed P.C. Reardon '32, A.B. Rood '32, and F.C. Flechter '32, who served in the same respective capacities last year. All three of the new officers are active in other undergraduate organizations, Eckles also being a member of the Harvard Dramatic Club and the organizer and head of the Freshman Debating Council in his first year.
In addition to electing the officers for the ensuing year, the council accepted into its membership all those belonging to the Freshman triangular debating team, which bowed to Yale and was victorious over Princeton recently. The new members of the class of 1934 are as follows: Daniel Joseph Boorstin '34, of Tulsa, Oklahoma, recent winner of the Coolidge Prize for public speaking; Malcolm Arthur Hoffman '34, of White Plains, New York; Asa Emory Phillips Jr. '34, of Washington, D.C.; Thomas Edward Naughten '34, of Washington, D.C.; George Gore, of Rapid City, South Dakota; John Joseph O'Donnell '34, of Milton; Seymour Marcus Peyser '34, of New York City; and Benjamin Ginsberg, of Daytona Beach, Florida. Two upper-classmen were elected to membership: Jerrold Harold Ruskin '33, of New Rochelle, New York and George Edward Lodgen '32, of Malden. These men were on the Harvard debating team that met Princeton in the triangular debate last week.
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