Rough water and a contrary wind upset the plans of the Harvard navy for time trials to be held last Saturday afternoon, in preparation for the seven crew contests which will be staged at the end of the week. With four days remaining before the University armada entrains for Philadelphia, to take part in the Harvard-Navy-Penn regatta on Saturday, it was undetermined last night which crew would represent the Crimson in the Jayvee event over the mile and a half distance.
In races staged over this course in the Basin on Thursday and Saturday of last week, and in a trial over the Henley distance on Friday, the crew stroked by Armstrong showed itself to be definitely superior to that paced by Lawrence. In each case the former boat crossed the finish with a lead of over a length beyond the latter's bow.
Lawrence's crew, with four seniors, four juniors, and one sophomore, represented Harvard against Princeton and M. I. T. in the triple regatta a week ago, winning its event with an ease which promised well for the rest of the season. With six sophomores in Armstrong's boat, one junior, and one senior, it has been untried in outside contests this spring. In the face of the showing of last week, however, Whiteside will have to take a deep breath before he picks the Jayvee crew for next Saturday.
Races between the University and Freshman lightweight boats, slated for last Saturday, were called off on account of the weather, but the former, handicapped by gaps in the regular seatings, contended for seven minutes over sloppy water of the upper basin. Class coach Ed Brown announced last night that he had definitely picked his three class boats, which are to race this Wednesday to determine which shell would be selected to meet the Eli classmen.
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