

Second Play of Year Will Open Tonight for Three-Day-Run--Comedy Written by Miss Hobgood

Today, tomorrow, and Wednesday, the Cambridge School of the Drama will give its second play this year. "Wedlock", a comedy by Olivia Hobgood, a student at the School.

The action in "Wedlock" takes place in North Carolina, during the course of a single day of the present decade. The play has three acts and a cast of 47.

Among those from Harvard in the comedy are: Carleton Green, 1G, as Handy Stallings. W. L. West '32 as Doctor Grover, H. G. Hutchinson '34 as Roy Morris, and H. G. Westmore 21 as Jim Young.

The stage manager is Frederick Ireland '33, the electricians are B. H. Goldsmith '33 and West and Lawrence Carra '32 is the property manager. The play was directed by A. R. Lovejoy and A. P. Segal.

Miss Hobgood, who wrote the play, is a native of North Carolina. She was graduated from Louisburg College.
