

Spring Nominations Add 32 Members to Organization -- Plans for Final Dinner Completed

Together with the announcement of 32 members of the Harvard University Instrumental Clubs plans for the dinner to be held on Tuesday. April 28 at the Phillips Brooks House have been revealed. The following are the names of those newly taken in of the club:

A. W. Adams '32 H. R. Brown '33, Lloyd Brown '34, F. F. Cary '34, W. I. Clark. Jr. '33, R. A. Cooley '32, W. H. Crawford '33; Demarest Davenpor; '33, N. P. Dodge, Jr. '33, G. M. Fenollosa '33, and A. Y. Foster '34.

C. F. Goodale '34, H. M. Graff '34, S. H. Haste '34, G. S. Hayes '34, I. F. Hubbard '31, C. H. King '34, D. McC. Malthews '32, David Miller '34, A. W. Polk '34, Roger Potter '32, J. T. Quinby '34, A. B. Roed '31, Ellery Sedgewick '32, T. D. Spencer '34, John Swarts '34, L. L. Thurber '34. Atrens vonSchrader. Jr. '34, E. H. Woodberry '32, and F. A. Wye '34.
