

The frequent discussions of the House athletics are being constantly stimulated by new and surprising developments. A recent victory of the swarthy black-beards on the Lowell crew over the Dunster House striplings did not apparently phase the laiter in the least when they found solacement in a passing wherry containing a large punch bowl and abundant cigareties, which they smoked contentedly as they rowed back to the boat house. Although not stipulated in the Student Council Report, many of the defeated, par men feel that the presedent showed with become permanently established in the future contests.

Such a delightful informality is certainly an indication of our changing athletics. One can hardly venture to assert what will take place when seven house crews take to the Charles simultaneously. Perhaps the authorities will find it necessary to provide the shells with ash trays and bottle openers, but at all events one hopes the boats will not degenerate into beer kegs manned by topers.
