Forty members of the Harvard Glee Club will present a radio program over station WBZA tonight at 6.15 o'clock. The short concert, which will be concluded at 6.45 o'clock, is being presented under the auspices of the Judge Baker Foundation.
This will be the first time that the Glee Club has been heard in a radio broadcast and marks an experimental departure from former policy. Hitherto the University singers have avoided radio and phonograph connections. The performers of tonight's offering will be conducted by G. W. Wood worth '24 and the Club will sing in the Hotel Bradford. From there the program will be transmitted to the air.
The selection of numbers to constitute the program was made with the intention of including a wide variety of types of songs and differences in dynamics in order to ascertain the relative effectiveness of the offerings. The program will probably consist of the following numbers: "My Spirit Be Joyful", by Bach; "Inimici Autem", by Lassus; "Spring Returns", a composition of Marenzio; "Salamaleikum", by Cornelius; "Jesu Dulcis", Vittoria; "Choruses from "Pinafore'", by Sullivan.
Tonight's is the last performance of the Club before it leaves for New York on its short vacation tour and appearances with the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra in the Metropolitan Opera House.
The list of men singing tonight is as follows:
A. G. Abdian '32; E. T. Clapp 1G; Elwood Gaskill 2G; W. H. Goodson 1G. W. F. R. Haigh '33, F. G. McLarty G. H. C. Schmidt '32, P. W. Turrentine G.
E. F. Benjamin '31, A. F. Bixby '31, D. D. Boyden '32, R. L. Brooks '31. C. A. Currier '32, T. L. Moran '32. S. W. Norwood 1G. W. R. Pratt '32, W. P. Taub '32, J. S. P. Walker '33, Peregrine White '33
Howard Abell 1G. Maxwell Arkusch '31, P. H. Bates '33, T. S. Berry 1G. R. A. Grant '32, N. P. Hallowell '32, S. W. Manning '34, W. K. Tuck 1G. F. H. Walkling '31, F. M. Watkins 1G. J. C. Wlis '32.
N. P. Beveridge '32, J. C. Bilby 31 B. B. Buckingham '39, B. M. Davis 32. J. S. Frame 2G. J. I. Freeman '32, J. R. Gaul '32, R. I. Kirkpstrick '31. Alex Saren '31. R. J. Prayhern '34, R. B. Wahstrom 1G. J. R. Woodworth '32
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