

The Graduate School of Education has taken a further step in its plan to bring the Department into closer contact with instructors already in the field by initiating a series of conferences for teachers of New England schools.

The advantages of such conferences are twofold. First, they bring current educational problems to the immediate attention of the Graduate School faculty. Individual teachers will be able to cite their own experiences and thus give varied views on each problem. With this aid the faculty of the School can readily visualize a composite picture of the difficulties involved, and obtain an adequate knowledge upon, which to base their study of possible solutions. The teachers will receive helpful advice, and the professors will be enabled to prepare their own students in the School of Education to successfully surmount these difficulties when they actively enter the teaching field. The School may thus be kept abreast of the ever changing problems and needs of the educational world.

The second advantage is that such conferences bring the graduate student into direct contact with people who are already in the field. Students are able to form concrete ideas concerning their future work, and can prepare themselves accordingly. It will act as a type of laboratory in which problems theoretically presented in lectures are technically discussed for practical application.
