

College Ruling on Power of Referee Will be Enforced--H. A. A. Books Secure Admission.

Intercollegiate boxing will make its debut at Harvard tonight when Harvard's first University team meets that of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, in the New Indoor Athletic Building at 7.30 o'clock. The team has had one meet so far, three weeks ago, when it lost to Dartmouth by one bout.

The Harvard Freshman team organized in the last week, will inaugurate its schedule in a meet against the Technology first year men tonight, completing its bouts before the University events begin.

The matches are to consist of three two-minute rounds and an extra two minute period if no decision is reached, under the requirement of the Intercollegiate rules. Under these rules the referee has the power to disqualify a boxer if he is cheered or applauded by the spectators. The Harvard Athletic Association requests that students applaud only after the round is finished. The referee has complete powers of decision, there being no judges in these bouts.

The Athletic Association has decided to admit only Harvard and Technology men to the meet tonight. The former can make use of H. A. A. Books for admittance, or may apply directly to the HARVARD  M. I. T. Mooney  115-pounds  Orleman Palaza  125-pounds  Kalman Ketcham  135-pounds  Price Lord  145-pounds  Damiano Mellen  155-pounds  Cooper Cooper  165-pounds  MacDonnell Adlis  175-pounds  Butler

Association, while the latter will be required to identify themselves at the Indoor Athletic Building.

The Freshman team will be as follows: 115-pound class, T. J. Curtin '34; 125-pound class, J. B. Russell '34; 135-pound class, A. B. Sullivan '34; 145-pound class, D. E. Peter '34; 155-pound class; P. W. A. Hines '34; 165-pound class, Richard Lawrence, Jr. '34; 175-pound class, L. A. S. McCabe '34
