The announcement that Conant and Perkins are to be restricted to those students in the graduate school who are carrying full size schedules in the University is evidence that the administration is at least aware of the serious housing conditions in the Graduate School. Claverly and Apley will be available for other graduate students next and while this will ease the situation somewhat it will by no means be a satisfactory solution of the problem.
One of the chief claims to fame of President Eliot was his development of the Harvard Graduate schools to their present position of importance in the University. Similarly President Lowell will probably be known for his changes in the college curriculum and the institution of the House plan for the undergraduates. That this housing and feeding policy is not confined to the college can be seen by the excellent accommodations afforded the members of the Medical and Business Schools. A special effort on the part of the present regime to provide comfortable quarters and dining rooms for those neglected members of the Law School and Graduate School of Arts and Sciences would seem to be consistent with the present trends in the development of the University.
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