Freshmen will be afforded an opportunity to hear the House Plan discussed by men who have been concerned with its development for the first time on Tuesday and Thursday, March 10 and 12, it was announced yesterday. At that time meetings will be held in two Freshman Halls, open to members of the Class of 1934.
President Lowell will be the chief speaker at these meetings, at which a House Master and an undergraduate living in a House will also talk. The discussion will not concern individual Houses, but will attempt to outline the entire plan for the benefit of the first year students, whose knowledge hitherto has been limited to printed information. Time will be allowed for answering as many individual questions as possible.
The meetings, which have been arranged by the Student Council Committee on the House Plan, will take place at 7.30 o'clock. The first, coming on Tuesday evening, March 10, will be held in the Smith Halls common room; Freshmen living in Smith, Standish, shepherd, Apley and vicinity will attend this meeting. The second will be held in the Gore Hall common room on Thursday evening, March 12, for the benefit of residents of Gore, McKinlock, and Russell.
Freshmen will, through these groups, be able to learn the essential features and the purpose of the House Plan well before it is necessary for them to indicate their choice of a field of concentration and of a House. The closing date for House applications will be about April 25, a time which will be definitely fixed when the time for concentration choices has been chosen.
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