Among the 25 men who turned out for spring soccer practice yesterday afternoon were four letter men, Captain H. H. Broadbent '32, C. S. Eaton '33, A. T. Schumacher '33, and F. B. Waters '31, and two men from last year's Jayvees, G. R. Clark '32, and M. G. Larrabee '32. Representatives of the class of 1934 include F. A. Gilbert '34, R. M. Gummere '34, R. E. Masjoan 1E.S., and R. C. Pollard '34, who played on the Freshman soccer team. Coach Carr intends to organize the ten Freshamen who are out for purposes of practice.
A game has been scheduled with a team composed of players from the Graduate Schools for next Saturday. Tentative arrangements have been made for a game with M. I. T. on May 2.
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