The advice latent in the accompanying press from Princeton's daily carries with it a real Message. For those who have already experienced the shave, shower, shine, and shampoo sequence, it will be welcome corroboration. To those super-sophisticates for whom this little round of activity has lost its first blush of freshness, it offers consolation and reward.
It is true, too true, about the futility of it all. Civilization, gilding the pale flower of decadence, leaves its enervated Youth to weave with whitened fingers the social daisy chain in which he must finally strangle. However, the Way toward regeneration still lies open; it all comes down to a question of values. While the "Princeton Manner", that debutante manna, may make idols of the sad young man, the "Princetonian" advises, and rightly so, that a veneer is but a veneer, and that a zest, an enthusiasm, that indefinable "joi de vivre", is, after all, the requisite for achievement. When that is gone, Life in the Spirit goes. When that is gone, then, O Princeton, weep for Adonaisl.
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