

Two Men From Each House to be Picked for the Separate Events--Swimming Numeral Men Ineligible

Trials for the Freshman inter-dormitory swimming meet will take place today at 4.30 o'clock, it was announced yesterday. The purpose of these trials is to pick two men from each dormitory for each event in the finals, which will be held at 4.30 o'clock on Tuesday, March 31. All Freshman except swimming numeral men are eligible.

All candidates not residing in the four dormitories will be assigned to them as follows: A to E. Smith; F to K. Standish; L to P. Gore: Q to Z. McKinlock. The events will include the 50-yard free style, 200-yard free style, dive (four required, two optional), 50-yard breast stroke, 50-yard back stroke, 100-yard free style, and 300-yard relay.

Five points will be awarded for first place, three for second, two for third, and one for fourth, and in the relay eight for first, six for second, four for third, two for fourth. Last year Smith Halls cleaned up the meet with a total of 53 points; McKinlock came next with S. While Gore and Standish trailed with 5 and 3 points respectively. A little stiffer opposition is expected from the other dormitories this year.
