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President Hibben, in his speech at the News Banquet last night, was optimistic about the promising future of the younger generation now acquiring a college training to fit it for the coming acquisition of power in the world, and President Angel struck the same keynote in concluding his speech. Both presidents paid to the undergraduate of today a compliment which he is little accustomed to receiving, and which is cause for much gratification.

In the last decade the mind of skeptical youth has indulged itself in a period of criticism of the old order, of challenge, of destruction of apparently valueless tradition. It has sought from the rostrum of the lecture-hall and from the pulpit something solid and of enduring value. It has sought to free itself from the clutches of pure sentimentality and heroics. And now the new decade is destined to build a finer educational and ethical structure upon the sturdy foundations from which has been removed the incubus of the inglorious edifice inherited from our elders. The destructive criticism of the decadent naturalists is ceding to the constructive enthusiasm of more enlightened men undepressed by the post-war failure of idealism.

Such were the remarks and hopes voiced from the speaker's table in last night's celebration of the physical middle-age but spiritual youth of the News. They do not constitute a "God's in his heaven." Utopian vision of the future, but a recognition of the trend of events already in progress. Here at Yale, the next few years will see the inception of the new Colleges System, the increasing importance of education as emphasized by the more rigorous (although broader and less specific) requirements of the new curriculum, and a greater interest in the informality of intramural sports. As a breeding-ground for intellectual idealism, the Yale of the new decade will be unexcelled. Yale Daily News.
