

Berger and Hansen Enter Competition for Fellowship to Rome

Two Harvard men are to be among the five candidates who will enter the finals of the Prix de Rome competition in Landscape Architecture, it was announced yesterday. The two men are Allen S. Berger S.L.A. '28, and H. J. Hansen 3S.L.A. The three others are Cornell students.

The final competition will be held from March 30 through April 25, and from its results will be determined the winner of the $3000 prize, which gives a two years' fellowship at the American Academy in Rome. About 35 men from the eight accepted schools of landscape architecture went into the preliminaries two weeks ago, but they had only a one day problem on a memorial park of about 40 acres to be placed on a steep hillside. The final problem has not yet been announced.

Usually the prize has more or less alternated between Cornell and Harvard men, having been last won by Harvard in 1928.
